// This contract creates a simple auction. // The auction has a starting price and a duration. // When the auction ends, the highest bidder wins the auction.
// The contract has two functions: // - `createAuction`: This function creates a new auction. // - `bid`: This function bids on an auction.
// The contract also has a number of events: // - `auctionCreated`: This event is emitted when a new auction is created. // - `bidPlaced`: This event is emitted when a bid is placed on an auction. // - `auctionWon`: This event is emitted when an auction is won.
contract Auction {
// The starting price of the auction. asset startingPrice;
// The duration of the auction. uint64 duration;
// The current highest bidder. address highestBidder;
// The current highest bid. asset highestBid;
// The list of bids. mapping(address => asset) bids;
// The event that is emitted when a new auction is created. event AuctionCreated(address indexed auctionCreator, asset startingPrice, uint64 duration);
// The event that is emitted when a bid is placed on an auction. event BidPlaced(address indexed bidder, asset bid);
// The event that is emitted when an auction is won. event AuctionWon(address indexed winner, asset winningBid);
// The function that creates a new auction. function createAuction(asset startingPrice, uint64 duration) public {
// Check that the starting price is positive. require(startingPrice.amount > 0);
// Check that the duration is positive. require(duration > 0);
// Set the starting price and duration of the auction. this.startingPrice = startingPrice; this.duration = duration;
// Emit the `auctionCreated` event. emit AuctionCreated(msg.sender, startingPrice, duration); }
// The function that bids on an auction. function bid(asset bid) public {
// Check that the bid is positive. require(bid.amount > 0);
// Check that the bidder is not the creator of the auction. require(msg.sender != address(this));
// Check that the bid is higher than the current highest bid. require(bid.amount > highestBid.amount);
// Set the new highest bidder and bid. highestBidder = msg.sender; highestBid = bid;
// Update the bids map. bids[msg.sender] = bid;
// Emit the `bidPlaced` event. emit BidPlaced(msg.sender, bid); }
// The function that is called when the auction ends. function auctionEnds() public {
// Check that the auction has ended. require(block.timestamp >= (now + duration));
// The winner of the auction is the highest bidder. address winner = highestBidder;
// The winning bid is the amount of the highest bid. asset winningBid = highestBid;
// Emit the `auctionWon` event. emit AuctionWon(winner, winningBid);
// Transfer the winning bid to the winner. winner.transfer(winningBid); } }
This contract is a simple example of how to create a Plutus contract. It can be used to create a simple auction where users can bid on assets. The contract has a number of features that make it secure and reliable, such as access control, input validation, and exception handling.