The Great Reset and The Rise of Bitcoin

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the governing council decided the



we will continue to conduct net asset


under the pandemic emergency purchase


with a total envelope of 1


billion euros until at least the end of

march 22

and in any case

until the governing council judges

that the coronavirus crisis phase is



good morning joe yeah the european

central bank uh doing what uh economists

thought they were gonna do they uh added

to their pandemic emergency purchase

program by 500 billion euros by my count

that takes it up to 1.85 trillion total

it is an absolutely historic week both

in terms of the speed of fed purchases

and of course the magnitude here’s a

chart that shows what’s happened since

the first of since the march last three

weeks have seen this

huge ramp up in a ways that you’ve never

seen before let’s look at what’s changed


since the fed last met we got the 1.9

trillion dollars in relief enacted by

congress signed by the president senate

democrats have just released the text of

their 3.5 trillion dollar budget

resolution can you characterize

everything that the fed has done this

past week as essentially flooding the

system with money yes exactly and

there’s no end to your ability to do

that there’s no end to our ability to do


simply flooded the system with money

yes we did that’s another way to think

about it

we did where does it come from do you

just print it

we print it digitally so we you know we

as a central bank we have the ability to

create money

digitally and we do that by buying

treasury bills or


or other government guaranteed

securities and that actually increases

the money supply

we do believe that inflation numbers in


which we will see

rising i can’t find any period in


where monetary and fiscal policy were

this out of step with the economic

circumstances not one

in six weeks

last spring

um we did more qe more more purchasing

treasuries than we did the entire time

the nine-year period from 2009 to 2018.

and if we ever get an inflationary

psychology like for instance we did when

i was uh in my 20s back in the 70s if we

ever get that again

and if you ever got retail actually


about inflation then

uh the one thing that leads inflation

which is commodity prices and one of the

it’s the it’s the easiest tautology

there is those things can literally

screen double or triple with no problem

whatsoever and valuations for both uh

interest rates and stocks are at

if you combine the two they’re they’re

so overvalued they’re at 100 year highs

i don’t know i don’t know what you do i

am so

afraid about democracy

getting the idea that you can just print

money to solve all problems

and eventually i know that will fail at

the end if you print too much you end up


something like

guns oil it’s mathematics the fiat

currency is now the error term that

solves the growth in the numerator which

is your total global debt versus the

denominator which is total global gdp

and we have reached a point of no return

where the numerator is going to grow

outstrip the growth of the denominator

under any plausible scenario which means

you need to print money to solve that

debt survival


we’ve all heard of our economic cycles

and how according to most modern economy

books it is normal to have a period of

very quick growth and expansion followed

by a period of contraction and

economical crisis

as described in 1946 by arthur f burns

former counselor to the president of the

united states and wesley c mitchell

american economist

business cycles are a type of

fluctuation found in the aggregate

economic activity of nations a cycle

consists of expansions occurring at

about the same time in many economic

activities followed by similarly general

recessions this sequence of changes is

recurrent but not periodic

history though shows us that before the

20th century financial crisis arrived

because of external events

the most popular being war

there had been only one financial crisis

not attributable to external events and

this was the panic of 1825

where around 70 banks went bankrupt due

to risky investments and because of this

man gregor met gregor that had pulled

big investments into colonizing a

country that didn’t exist poise

if we look at history what turns out

what we find out is the fact that

this cycle really started about 100

years ago

and there’s an important factor to that

it’s the fact that

in the year 1914 every big nation in the

world just started

leaving the gold standard now the gold

standard is the fact that all of the

money that a central bank

has controls or produces

is only based on the amount of gold that

they hold and the price of gold

uh therefore the the amount of uh money

supply available is relative to the gold

that is held this was dropped uh and

this is what led to a lot of financing

for the first world war and even

following the second world war because

governments realize that they have this


power that is

get rid of the gold standard and we can

just print money as much as we want and

in fact this happened many times in

history and was often the reason why

governments countries or civilizations

were simply

dropping the roman empire is a great

example of that from the moment we

dropped this gold standard so around the

year 1914 the uk was the first country

to do that the this is the moment where

we started seeing uh

these short-term and long-term cycles uh

particularly the short-term cycles we

are now over 100 years after leaving the

gold standard and it is a fairly

accepted fact that our economy works in

cycles based on a period of inflation

followed by a period of deflation the

fact this only started 100 years ago

should tell you that our monetary system

has flaws or while being the reason for

the unmatched growth we had as a species

in the 20th century

this inflation is due to our reliance on

debt and credit according to modern

monetary theory debt is the driver of

economic growth not productivity ray

dalio explains this well in his video

how the economic machine works over time

we learn and that accumulated knowledge

raises our living standards we call this

productivity growth

those who are inventive and hard working

raise their productivity and their

living standards faster than those who

are complacent and lazy

but that isn’t necessarily true over the

short run productivity matters most in

the long run but credit matters most in

the short run this is because

productivity growth doesn’t fluctuate

much so it’s not a big driver of

economic swings

debt is because it allows us to consume

more than we produce when we acquire it

and it forces us to consume less than we

produce when we have to pay it back and

as stated by didn’t leclair in his great

article the conclusion of the long-term

debt cycle and the rise of bitcoin

although productivity is the most

important aspect of an economic system

over the long term

not productivity but the forces of depth

are the main driving forces in volatile

economic swings

coming back to the cycles breakdano

describes the long-term and the

short-term debt cycle and how they

relate to human productivity death

swings occur in two big cycles

one takes about five to eight years and

the other takes about 75 to 100 years

while most people feel the swings they

typically don’t see them as cycles

because they see them too up close day

by day week by week this short-term debt

cycle can be observed by looking at

different metrics including the debt to

income ratios and interest rates set by

the central bank

yes the central bank essentially sets

the rules that allow our economy to

expand into unreasonable debt and later

decides when it can break down

this is the so-called booming bus cycle

the most recent ones being the global

financial crisis of 2008 and the dot-com

bubble of the year

the long-term debt cycle is made of

multiple short-term cycles

while our economy goes up and down

during each of these cycles it does

bring growth in the long run

and with each cycle our economy

continues accumulating in debt

indefinitely because we prefer borrowing

then repaying debt

there reaches a moment when there is

more debt to pay than income

historically this is when the long-term

debt cycle shifts

people stop spending and start repaying

debt and instead of growing we go down

we see recessions increased government

support devaluation of currencies social

unrest and so on

there comes a time when our economy has

sufficiently deleveraged and the economy

starts growing again following the

short-term debt cycle again

during these deleveraging events three

strategies are adopted by central banks

first lower the interest rates interest

rates are set by central banks and um


set the rules as to

what is the cost of borrowing money if

they lower it then it’s cheaper to

borrow money therefore people will be

more inclined to borrow this money and

this this leads to the spiral of just

wanting to borrow more and more and more

because it’s just

easier to borrow and and right now if

you look at the numbers the central bank

central banks all over the world have

been doing this for years now because we

work on a standard that is mostly based

on the us dollar what matters is uh is

what the u.s central bank does

and if they lower interest interest

rates then everyone else will also lower

their interest rates this increases the

value of assets and makes it easier to

get credits

this is the first strategy used

today these interest rates have already

dropped drastically for the main

economies and have turned negative in


if interest rates drop to zero then

there is no logical financial incentive

to land money

it can continue for a while

until it doesn’t

second there’s quantitative easing also

called money printing what this guy was

talking about

it allows the central bank to buy debt

securities and financial assets it

places cash in the hand of investors but

doesn’t help citizens asset prices

skyrocket usually creating inflation

which makes asset holders that tend to

be the wealthy richer and the poor

poorer as their savings lose value this

is the case today with real estate

skyrocketing globally and other raw

materials skyrocketing too

third and last is increased welfare

spending or other instruments such as

stimulus payments

if there is any kind of crisis well the

people that bought their house they’re

not going to try and do any more

financial um schemes things that would

allow them to to protect their

investment because they just don’t have

well the knowledge or the skills and

even the instruments to be able to do

that so they’re the ones that lose the

most right because investment banks they

know what’s coming they know how to deal

with it and they’ll get out of it but

this creates basically

a gap between uh the rich and the poor

and this is a lot due to money printing

because this money um gets uh

distributed into the economy but it

doesn’t get distributed into the hands

of people it gets

paid to banks it gets paid to to


and it just gives them another business

and it gives them more cash to be able

to take on more positions and themselves

invest into many different assets

whether it’s stock exchange can be gold

anything the poorer people

don’t have these options and they don’t

have this money directly attributed to

them so it means that like well all of

this is happening and people are getting

rich others are getting poorer because

the savings that they have in the bank

are losing value because of these this

money printing and because of that what

governments need to do is they need to

help their citizens more because of

course no one wants a wealth gap i mean

it’s not because you’re

you know part of this elite let’s say

that that is uh

in a better position financially that um

you want the poor people to be in a bad

situation like everyone has to be

elevated in society and these people

need to be held directly

through financing

whatever form it takes and in fact if

you look at the numbers it’s since the

crisis of 1929 which was the first big

financial crisis after getting off the

gold standard that i was mentioning at

the beginning that this welfare spending

has increased so much

and now in france for example there’s

above 30 percent of gdp that goes to

welfare spending france is quite famous

for that it has one of the best medical

systems but it also goes with how you

support people that are unemployed uh

different stimulus payments help for uh

home allowances and and this kind of

thing that that is of course good for

people that need it but is only

necessary because of these actions that

are taken beforehand

more recently we know social spending

has increased due to the covet crisis so

we can only presume that the chart now

looks more like this

we are seeing another measure increasing

quickly the monetary supply

monetary supply is the total amount of

one currency that is currently available

in the economy

the more government creates new money

the more the supply increases

this money supply is directly correlated

to the devaluation of our currencies

many like to inverse these charts in

order to show this devaluation

because the more a currency is produced

the less it is scarce therefore the more

it loses value

we have all heard stories from our

elders saying money had a different

value back then

and i’ve seen archived images

illustrating this

like this mcdonald’s menu from 1972 that

had a big mac for 65 cents

the increase in money supply is the

reason why this happens

in 2020 alone the money supply has had a

big jump

this is the money that was printed in

order to finance the war against kovit

and in the u.s since the beginning of

2020 we have seen an increase of over 30

percent in the amount of us dollars in


although this isn’t felt instantly in

the economy the long-term effects will

be felt by the population that have zero

allocation in assets such as real estate

stocks and so on

the long-term consequences of this are

very wide

to illustrate take technology

by definition technology should drop in

price because it becomes more efficient

and easier to produce

yet due to inflation prices are not

going down essentially making it harder

to develop new technologies

governments use many reasons including

climate change as an excuse to print

trillions but down the road this

printing can lead to adverse results

because of the effects this new monetary

supply can have on the development of

the right technologies that could help

his transition to a more renewable

energy consuming world

but the central banks will have a

different message this is in order to

avoid the spread of panic concerning the

financial markets and their currencies

which could lead people to rush to banks

to withdraw their money

this obviously would be unsustainable

for the economy a nation in which faith

in a currency is lost will see

recessions and will take decades to


instead central banks use the consumer

price index also called the cpi

the cpi is a flawed indicator yet is the

most commonly accepted indicator to

measure inflation and its effects on


the cpi follows the price of a basket of

products that are consumed by people

this in essence is the way an indicator

like this one should work

but the cpi is flawed because of the way

this basket of products is selected

it is selected based on what people

choose to buy

so every year new products will be added

to this basket while others will be



but what they choose to buy depends on

the price of the product if inflation

goes up people will change their basket

of products in order to accommodate for

the price increase

this essentially makes it a new basket

of products

the cpi will not track the price of the

previous basket of products it will

track the price of the new basket of

products after the consumer decision has

been made in response to price increases

safety in ammos illustrates this

properly in the fiat standard

imagine you earn 10 a day and spend them

all on eating a delicious ribeye steak

that gives you all the nutrients you

need for the day

in this simple consumer basket of goods

the cpi is 10

now imagine one day hyperinflation

strikes the economy and the price of

your ribeye increases to 100

while your daily wage remains 10

what happens to the price of your basket

of goods

it cannot rise tenfold because you

cannot afford the hundred dollar ribeye

instead you make do with a chemical

storm that is a soy burger for ten

dollars the cpi magically shows zero


remember that governments will never

show us the true inflation numbers and

they will not attribute it to the

increase in our monetary supply because

of their management

if people actually understood this they

would never be re-elected


we’ve talked about debt so much it is

time to look at these numbers too

we can see the sharp increase of the

global debt even in just the most recent


to add more context here is what this

debt represents as share of global gdp

356 percent

we have 3.5 times more debt than actual

created value

now this dead bubble could be stopped or

at least be slowed down if the central

banks were to increase interest rates

making it more expensive to borrow

giving a breather to the entire system

but today it’s likely too late the us

central bank the fed attempted this in

2018 because they believe the economy

looked to have recovered from the global

financial crisis of 2007.

10 years have now passed since the

depths of the financial crisis

a painful part of our history that cost

many americans their jobs their homes

and for some their hopes and dreams

in addition to holding interest rates

low to support the recovery we have also

taken many steps to make the financial

system safer

i’m confident that the system today is

stronger and in a far better position to

support the financial needs of

households and businesses

through good times and bad

they decide to increase these interest

rates and because of that the entire

market dropped in the space of a couple

weeks um

nasdaq and uh the s p 500 dropped over

20 percent

in just a couple weeks only because the

markets were reacting to these actions

that were done by the by the central

bank the dow is moving back towards the

lows of the day

all 30 dow stocks are now in the red and

the dao’s gains for the year paragon

a distant memory the s p 500 has fallen

into correction that’s a drop of 10

or more from recent highs all sectors

and this is key are in the red at this

moment and the nasdaq is now at a seven

months low

look at the cnn business fear and greed

index yeah i know you don’t want to see

it we got to give it to you it measures

volatility momentum and demand for safe

havens it’s pointing to extreme fear so

as soon as they started dropping the the

central bank

came publicly and said okay we’re going

to stop this

we’re going to go back to a normal

normal level of interest rates and uh

and from that moment on by the end

in 2019 they started again lowering

these interest rates and they lowered

them from all the way 2.5 percent to now

point 25

according to a lot of finance books and

what people study at university the

scenario we’re in today with negative

interest rates is impossible

right so what happens then it’s hard to

say no one no one really knows we’ll

kind of have to have to find out because

anyway central banks have no other

option the only thing they can do is

print more money

in reality the only thing that the

central banks can do is print more money

and cover for all this debt that is

never being paid back

they will work with governments to

continue increasing taxes welfare

spending and evaluating currency

this isn’t to say that these people are

ill-intended they use the tools that are

available to them and have simply

reached a point where their bags are

against the wall and they are forced to

abuse these tools


and they’re looking for solutions to

take the entire economy out of this


although these solutions are not

necessarily in the best interest of

citizens in their personal freedom

it isn’t without reason that the world

economics farms initiative is called the

great reset the name that inspired this


part of their plan is the creation of

central bank digital currencies


this would allow central banks to have a

new monetary system that they can detach

from the current one allowing people to

transition into this new debt free

system and slowly deleveraging and

dropping the debt from the previous one

without adding risk to their currencies

so central bank digital currency is

coming alive

uh it’s it’s not going to happen today i

think they have a 12-month experimental

period that they want to to go through

before they actually launch for good the

status of it is we’re working hard on it

right now uh but let me tell you what it

what it is really we’re going to address

digital payments broadly so that means

stable coins it means it means crypto

assets it means a cbdc that whole

group of that of of issues and and

payment mechanisms

which we think are

really at a critical

point would you say that the corona

crisis has even

revealed more the need to have a digital

uh central bank currency or currencies

well yes i think i think corona the

corona crisis

has accelerated very much technical


and use of digital

innovations across the board i mean it’s

not only in financial transactions but

in e-commerce and

show business

i mean you

there are so many examples that you know

but yes it is a factor pretty much all

central banks are thinking about this

in the last few weeks of 2020 um the

people’s bank of china rolled out a

pilot program in the eastern chinese

city of suzhou they had to download an

app and have it on the phone in a macro

way you have a sense of how money flows

through the economy on a micro scale and

this is something that many in the west

would probably not be comfortable with

and many in china frankly would not be

comfortable with is that it would allow

authorities to be able to track

precisely how you or

my neighbor or the person down the

street is spending the money are they

spending their money on buying things

they shouldn’t be buying whatever

however you define that are they are

they gambling with their money are they

doing this or that with their money they

say it’s just to replace physical cash

but of course this could just be the

first step adoption will come for these

cbdc’s in fact it will be forced


the government will start supporting

citizens in need by only giving them

stimulus payments through a wallet

controlled directly by the central bank

the central bank will essentially be

able to eliminate commercial banks that

are currently the middleman between the

central bank and the citizens

for governments it will simplify many

things if they decide to change interest

rates they will be able to act on it

directly rather than wait the several

months needed for commercial banks to

implement this in their systems they

will also be able to control directly

the interest rates based on a person’s

profile or a business’s profile and will

be able to set expiry dates on people’s

money forcing them to spend and not

allowing them to save roll paul

describes this well

you see central banks

want to be able to give people money

directly direct monetization

they can’t do that right now right now

they print money it goes into the

banking system the banks hoard it

because we’re going through a credit


it’s also a way for them to kick-start

universal basic income because the

central bank can under can underpin

the poorer parts of society by giving

them money directly it doesn’t go

on the government balance sheet now

central banks now believe they’re

omnipotent that they can continue to

expand balance sheets forever mmt

seems to be the prevalent thought and

this is just an extension of this this

is kind of keynesian keynesianism gone


central banks can also

change entirely the structure of

how money and monetary policy works and

fiscal policy because they can give it

to different people in different ways

so they can credit the restauranteur but

then penalize with negative interest


the baby boomer saver because they want

to release their money back into the


they can give students a positive

interest rates to help them save they

can change everything

this is the rise of behavioral economics

and incentive systems

so governments essentially using big

data can find who they need to stimulate

at any time and adjust accordingly they

can do it dynamically this is a a


massive shift to everything we

understand about economics particularly


nobody’s prepared for this none of us

know what this means

it means and it will be sold on a load

of good things

and i think there’s a lot of good things

that come from this i think it is an

elegant solution to some of our problems

but elegant solutions

in governments and central banks lead to

unintended consequences

the issue is here is to have this new

system you’re going to give up your


you are going to have every transaction

you’ve ever done and ever will do


there is no cash there is no way of

tipping the gardener

unless it goes by cash

it means that they can tax you at every

transaction level now that’s great we

could get rid of the irs and all of the

tax collection agencies because it could

be done directly

that’s good

but again you’ve lost your freedom to

transact in anonymity that cash gives


these are central bank digital

currencies as i said they’re not um

they’re not an invention from from

governments and central banks in fact

they’re inspired by um other digital

currencies like uh bitcoin being the

original one and other alt coins that

have been created after that um in

reality they are more similar to

other altcoins such as ethereum or or

others that simply allow the addition of

a programming that allows you to add

functionalities to them uh whereas

bitcoin is uh

is only there for these monetary

transfers bitcoin is uh

is it is a payment network right where

there’s uh um think of it as a log of

transactions a transaction that i can do

to you the bitcoin network will take

some information so my address your

address the amount of bitcoin that i’m

sending to you and with this information

it’s gonna it’s gonna create a hash it

just goes through a simple hashing

algorithm that makes a code out of this

information and this is added to this to

this log whatever amounts that happened

within these 10 minutes they basically

is considered a block and there would be

miners so computers that are connected

to the network to verify these

transactions so they’re just going to be

there ready to confirm that i do have

this bitcoin and yes i can send it to

you and that after that i no longer have

this bitcoin and you have the bitcoin so

very simple kind of work but all of

these computers are connected to the

network and they’re in competition

fighting for who confirms the block

because whoever confirms the block and

verifies these transactions will be will

be rewarded in bitcoin from from two

sources that’ll be a transaction cost

simply if i send you bitcoin then i pay

a certain fee to the network this fee

will be redistributed to miners and also

right now there is a an emission of new

bitcoin so


today it’s at 6.25 bitcoins per block

and if i as a miner i’m able to confirm

this block i will receive 6.25 bitcoin

it won’t happen every time because

there’s a big competition of miners 6.25

bitcoin per block every 10 minutes

that’s quite a bit especially if you

think of the price of bitcoin today

bitcoin is built in a way there is an

entire incentive

scheme that has been thought out by the

creator of bitcoin that goes all the way

to the year

2140 or so

which is that the amount of bitcoins

that are produced will be divided every

four years by two so if i’m a miner

today i make 6.25 bitcoin per block

that i confirm

four years from now after the next

halving it’ll be half that so 3.12

bitcoin this is an incentive for um

the for people to be as efficient as

possible when running their their

bitcoin mining business

and also an incentive for the price to

stay above a certain certain level

because a miner simply will either run

out of business if the price is too low


will decide not to sell his bitcoin

because he’s not covering for his

operating expenses

in the bitcoin protocol changes can be

made in two ways

there’s a simple way called a hard fork

where someone essentially makes a copy

of bitcoin makes changes to the protocol

and releases it to the world miners need

to connect to this new network and

choose to use this new network over the

original bitcoin network

this was done by projects such as

bitcoin cash and bitcoin satoshi vision

they were trying to solve what the

founders thought to be problems in the

bitcoin network there was a scaling

attempt to allow bitcoin to continue to

be money for the world it was called the

segwit2x agreement where segwit uh which

is if you’re deep into crypto you

already know what that is if not don’t

worry about it and the block size were

going to be uh upgraded from one

megabyte to two megabytes which would uh

if you do both those things you’re gonna

get more than double as many

transactions available on the bitcoin

network if you do uh just the two one

megabytes two big bite you double add

segwit it’s a little bit more on top of

that anyhow for for whatever reason the

segwit portion of that agreement was

activated first when that two megabyte

upgrade eventually was aborted uh i had

to look around the world and say okay

well if i want a tool that can enable

every human being on the planet to be

able to send and receive any amount of

money with any other human being on the


bitcoin can’t do that it’s not going to

do that with one megabyte blocks it’s

impossible for bitcoin to do that so

there’s a whole bunch of other

cryptocurrencies out there which one do

i think is the most likely to bring the

most economic freedom to the most people

around the world in the shortest amount

of time and i looked at all the

different cryptocurrencies out there and

bitcoin cash was the one that was at the

top of my list

since their launch these projects have

failed compared to bitcoin losing value

against the first cryptocurrency because

the people that are positioned in

bitcoin didn’t want to transition

this reluctance was mostly due to one



decentralization in bitcoin is the fact

that no one controls the network

it is an open secure network controlled

and improved by every participant

in projects like bitcoin cash the number

of participants being much lower than in

bitcoin lowered the security

bitcoin satoshi vision is a great

example as it was the victim of a 51

attack in 2021. a miner’s performance is

based on the amount of computational

power they have and this is usually

referred to as hash rate or hashing


the mining power is distributed over

different nodes across the world which

means it is not in the hands of a single

entity at least it is not supposed to be

but what happens when the hash rate is

no longer distributed well enough what

happens if one single entity is able to

obtain more than 50 percent of the

hashing power

one possible consequence of that is what

we call a 51 attack also known as a

majority attack

a 51 attack is a potential attack on a

blockchain network where a single entity

or organization is able to control the

majority of the hash rate potentially

causing a network disruption in such a

scenario the attacker would have enough

mining power to intentionally exclude or

modify the ordering of transactions

they could also reverse transactions

they made while being in control leading

to a double spending problem

a successful majority attack could also

allow the attacker to prevent some or

all transactions from being confirmed or

to prevent miners from mining resulting

in what is known as mining monopoly the

second method to make changes is called

a soft fork

in a soft fork changes are made to the

protocol and need to be accepted by the

majority of miners to do so miners

simply decide whether they want to

upgrade to the new protocol and update

their machines

and eventually if approved by the

majority of miners at a predetermined

block number the changes will be made

official and this is how miners will

verify blocks from that point on

unlike many other protocols every change

that is made to the bitcoin network

needs to be backwards compatible

this means that if someone holds bitcoin

their bitcoin will still be valid after

the changes

other networks may be easier to change

but won’t be backwards compatible and

will often require holders of the coin

to transfer their coins to platforms

that will accept the changes before a

certain date or risk losing everything

there will be a maximum and this is

hard-coded a maximum of 21 million

bitcoin produced by the euro 2140 and

there will never be more of it


we can’t afford to

lose some bitcoin simply based on a

a bug fix a

functionality implementation it’s just

something that cannot work therefore

every change has to be backwards

compatible and this makes it so much

more difficult to change as opposed to

other projects that don’t care much

because they have a management team that

is there that will decide what new

vision they have for this coin and we’ll

make updates regardless of what the

community thinks because they think it’s

what’s in the best interest of the


the fact bitcoin is so difficult to

change is one of the reasons that make

it a great asset for the long run

buyers know what they’re buying and they

know that the asset will remain the same

no other asset in the world provides

this level of security

other cryptocurrencies have been created

but were created by a group of people

that still control the network and will

make changes to profit themselves

ethereum for example the second biggest

cryptocurrency by market cap

is still controlled by the same team

that created it

these people control the network and

promote the network in order to bring

inexperienced and non-technical

investors that don’t understand what a

lack of decentralization means for the

future of cryptocurrencies

the ethereum network aims to change the

way the protocol works these changes

will allow miners to mine only if they

have log 32 either beforehand

anyone can mine bitcoin but to mine

ethereum you will soon need to be part

of the few in the world that can afford

to buy 32 ether

this will make ethereum just as good a

currency as a fiat currency

because the decisions of a few will

impact the masses




think of bitcoin the asset and the

network as the layer one there are other

layers that are being built around it

they’re called layer twos and also layer

threes but the

the fastest growing layer two for

bitcoin is called the lightning network

and it’s a it’s a different

payment system that

to use it basically i need to take some

of my bitcoin and you know actually put


onto the bit onto the lightning network

and i need to open channels if i open a

channel with you for example it means i

can transfer money to you

and the fact that i have this channel

open with you means that i have access

to the channels that you have opened


and it scales very quickly in the sense

that if we both use the lighting network

and we have a channel open between the

two of us then you have access to all of

my contacts and you can pay them and i

have access to all of yours and you can

pay that payments that i do will go

through the channels of maybe multiple


in order to reach uh its destination and

this allows for payments to actually be


instant settlement this

doesn’t exist in finance up until now

and they’re free or almost free in most


just because of how the this network is

built and

only once i would bring this money out

of the lightning network and back into

the bitcoin main network is a

transaction actually done inside of this

main network um which means that you can

do a lot more transactions much faster

and cheaper

but still having bitcoin as the

settlement layer that will confirm that

all of this happens basically




the adverse environmental impacts

of the computing activity used to mint

many of these digital currencies in the

first place

bitcoin consumes more energy than entire


and it is projected to consume as much

energy as all the data centers in the

whole world this year

one bitcoin transaction a single

purchase sale or transfer

uses the same amount of electricity as

the typical u.s household uses in more

than a month bitcoin’s main layer is

described as being very energy consuming

and it is a fact that at its highest in

may 2021 the bitcoin network was using

as much energy as what the entire

country of sweden uses

although this seems like a lot we need

to break down what this energy is where

it comes from and how this trend is

evolving including where the big miners

are transferring to in order to lower

their cost and environmental impact

first of all it is important to

understand how a minor business is set


these miners are businesses the more

important ones today being international

companies listed on stock exchanges

setting up a mining business requires

the purchase of hardware the asic

computers needed to tap into the bitcoin

network and start mining as well as real

estate to store all of the miners

wherever miners are around the world the

prices for these two elements will often

be similar of course better deals can be

negotiated but given the price of

electrical components and supply chain

costs this isn’t where miners will often

gain an edge over their competition what

matters most to miners is energy

the third factor and this is the most

important one

is the energy that they that they spend

in order to make their mining rigs turn

the prices vary between countries they

vary between region and they vary on the

source of energy that you choose the

cheapest source is right now always

renewable energies or nuclear but

nuclear is a bit killed by governments


these companies by default they have to

direct themselves

and push for the development of these

more renewable

energies because it will cost them

cheaper in the long term cheap energy

can be found from two sources

green energy and wasted energy

the energy we produce is always in

excess we never consume 100 of the

energy produced by power plants because

it would put communities at risk of

having blackouts

in the us it is estimated that five to

six percent of the energy produced is

lost when it is in transit

which is around 211 terawatt hours

this amount alone is close to double

what bitcoin was consuming at its

all-time high


nowadays governments are pushing for the

adoption of solar and wind power and

decide to crack down on nuclear

unfortunately although on paper this

sounds positive there are adverse

effects to this

with our current technologies the energy

produced cannot be stocked

therefore the energy from solar and wind

can only be produced when it is sunny or

windy this makes it very unreliable and

requires backup power plants to be

present and active on a daily basis to

cover for this lack of energy

this really is an adverse effect because

germany for example the biggest adopter

of solar england in europe

is now back to producing the same amount

of co2 levels as it was producing 20

years ago

green policies around the world have

stopped the adoption of nuclear power

plants and have indirectly forced the

world to consume more natural gas than

it used to

natural gas comes with its own set of


just like other energy sources natural

gas is produced more than it is consumed

which leads to flaring

flaring is simply the excess gas that is

extracted that needs to be burned

it is a standard and unnecessary habit

in the industry

in 2019 alone it is estimated that 150

billion cubic meters of natural gas was

flared in the world

this is the same amount as japan and

korea imported that same year


in the air producing approximately 300

million tons of co2

the same as the total annual emissions

of italy


in order to lower their cost in energy

miners are directly connecting to these

sources of energy that until now were


because bitcoin miners can be placed

anywhere in the world without the need

of being close to communities

they are already tapping directly into

this energy because of the attractive

prices they can negotiate with the

producers using energy that would

otherwise be flared or would be lost due

to transit

they also have access to more distant

natural sources of energy that cannot be

used by communities

this is the case of hydro power plants

geothermal energy and even new ideas

that are being studied like getting

energy from volcanoes

the more time passes and the more these

businesses grow the more likely they

will transition to these sources of

energy in order to increase their


other businesses are working on

innovating our energy production to

service miners allowing them to have

clean and cheap energy

the long-term positive effects the

adoption of bitcoin could have on our

energy production is largely

underestimated and even silenced by

governments and other mainstream medias

they may use this as an argument but it

is so little if you compare it to what

energy is actually used around the world


if you compare it to also to the energy

used by our traditional financial

services banks and so on they use way

more energy because each of them need to

create their own

settlement infrastructure

separately of course because they don’t

share this information with anyone

whereas bitcoin is just one place where

all of this happens right

in an uncontrolled and so on so it’s a

little bit of energy consumed for

a huge impact in terms of

financial freedom and

freedom in general actually

bitcoin was created by a person or a

group of people under the alias satoshi


they wrote the white paper

built the network released it and

exchanged in discussions on many forums

before one day


a genius unknown person put together

technologies and encryption protocols in

a new way

forming the ultimate currency

and then did the most noble and

important step of all


after creating it talking about it

publicly on forums

promoting the idea discussing it making

improvements setting up the original


there’s just a point in time when the

community also started to take over it

that this this person satoshi nakamoto

just just disappeared stopped answering

on any kind of forum star stopped

writing anything and even since that

point the creation of bitcoin

never touched the bitcoin that were on

these original wallet addresses that

were created by him

so completely let it go to the community

because the whole point of it was to get

rid of the control of our current

financial and monetary system and let it


opened to the people so bitcoin is said

to have been created by the people for

the people because of that because it’s

controlled by a community not by a

central authority anyone can participate

in improving the network whether it is

through translations code reviews or by

building applications that add

functionality to bitcoin

but only the bitcoin core team can

actually make changes to the bitcoin

network and i think a huge part a part

of governance in the bitcoin ecosystem

is the are the uh bitcoin core


now uh before i met them and i’ve had

the pleasure and the honor of of meeting

uh uh many of them uh you know that was

that was a part of this ecosystem i

didn’t understand but actually getting

to sit down and talk to them

uh i if i if i uh have a learning curve

need it certainly is on the technology

side but in in terms of talking to them

about economics economic theory

failed monetary regimes uh historically

they know economic history many of them

better than anyone i’ve ever met

uh so that gives me a great degree of

confidence that uh you know they they do

believe they they are on a noble mission

they could be paid a lot more than

they’re being paid right now if they

worked at google or or facebook or some

of these other areas but they’ve chosen

you know

this sense of purpose for a noble goal

and uh they have incredibly strong

technology backgrounds

uh so

as well as a good understanding of

economic history especially monetary

uh history

and it gives me a great deal of comfort

as i think about the governance of the


uh much much more so than i i think we

would find in other financial ecosystems

gold was considered always the

what is called hard money in fact the

word hard money comes from the fact that

gold is physical and hard just like

sounds money comes from the fact that

when you hit gold there’s sounds right

so it was always considered

this hardest money now bitcoin follows

the same rules but they are strictly

enforced by the protocol

which makes it a better form of gold so

not only a better form of money but a

better form of gold gold has been

controlled by governments i’ve mentioned

this at the beginning when it comes to

removing the gold standard but gold also

then and during the second world war

for example in the uk people were not

allowed to hold gold personally the same

happened in the us in in the 70s

you had to sell your gold to the

government because the government needed

to increase its reserves this has

happened historically and if any bad

situation were to happen like it has

happened in the past the same thing

would happen i mean we’re here today in


whatever purchase of gold you do in


your personal information has to be

given to the government saying how much

gold you owe so that they know where

they can come knock at your door if ever

they just need to increase their gold

reserves and don’t have the cash to buy

it themselves it’s so much easier to

confiscate it in the past seven years

there’s been an average of one

international monetary crisis every year

now who gains from these crises

not the working man not the investor not

the real producers of wealth

the gainers are the international money


because they thrive on crises they help

to create them

in recent weeks the speculators have

been waging an all-out war on the

american dollar

the strength of a nation’s currency is

based on the strength of that nation’s


and the american economy is by far the

strongest in the world


i have directed the secretary of the

treasury to take the action necessary to

defend the dollar against the


i have directed secretary connelly to

suspend temporarily the convertibility

of the dollar into gold or other reserve


except in amounts and conditions

determined to be in the interest of

monetary stability and in the best

interest of the united states

bretton woods established an arrangement


supposedly from 1945 and the end of the

war onward

all currencies were convertible to the

dollar and the dollar to gold at that

time gold reserves were the final

mechanism for settling balance of

payments deficits but bretton woods

forestalled this process by permitting


sole reserve currency the main reserve

currency to

be considered as official reserves

for foreign central banks

such that they could settle all their

their deficits in dollars as opposed to

gold that’s the fundamental difference

between the classical gold standard and

what is called the gold exchange

standard which bretton woods enshrined

in law and in treaty in 1971

both britain and several other countries

decided to encash


huge accumulations of dollar reserves

under the bretton woods system for gold

and of course

president nixon in his own way decided

to trump them


george says as long as we do not have


he says the europeans can’t do all that

much to us i can’t because he says when

we had convertibility then they had a

right to lecture us about what we ought

to do but with convertibility

without convertibility that that is not

the case these countries had the right

to claim gold

to redeem their dollar reserves

it would put the united states in a

position of insolvency we just shouldn’t

get all that excited about the fact that

they worry about our budget is that your

view that’s exactly right they can’t do

one cockeyed thing and they’ll say oh

well we’ve got to maintain our

relationship we’ve asked them to hold

dollars and i said no we didn’t have the

whole dollars these hell dollars it’s

been in their interest

that’s right and i said hell with them

i’m not worried about them i’m worried

about us that’s right uh

1960s was filled with financial crises

that involved the dollar but the total

collapse came in 1971.

he issued an executive order on august

15 1971 and said i’m sorry we’re not

paying our debts

we’re certainly not paying our debts and


to our friends abroad including the many

responsible members of the international

banking community who are dedicated to

stability in the flow of trade i give

this assurance

the united states has always been and

will continue to be a forward-looking

and trustworthy trading partner

in full cooperation with the

international monetary fund and those

who trade with us we will press for the

necessary reforms to set up an urgently



international monetary system

to this day

gold can only be traded on the markets

during weekdays because some people have

decided this

with bitcoin no one can make such


individual exchanges could but would be

losing against their competition

governments have no way of knowing

whether people own any

it is the safest way to hold wealth that

is native to the internet therefore is

available always everywhere

no asset in history has ever been this

easy to acquire

allowing anyone with an internet

connection to tap into the network

anonymously and be able to access their

assets the same way

regardless of their geographic location



this is scary to governments they

understand that if people step away from

fiat currencies new debt that is

necessary to generate inflation and to

devaluate currencies

won’t be created following the same

rules this puts their and their elite

friends entire status quo at risk

that’s why they’re afraid of it and

that’s why they they try to kill it in

fact in china just this year they

banned any bitcoin mining

and they closed any kind of exchange

which is uh if you think as a

totalitarian government is a great

strategy if you think of freedom for

people it is not and they’re not the

only ones this uh this year also the uk

has been uh attacking hard they’ve

banned a lot of uh bitcoin ads on uh

buses or on uh the subway just all of

these uh ads that were promoting bitcoin

have been straight off banned by the

government they have put pressure on on

commercial banks as well uh to block

transfers uh from uk citizens and uk

bank accounts to crypto exchanges so

that they cannot basically leave the

british pound and buy bitcoin instead

right so not only are they scared but

they’re actually taking action to later

implement their own uh central bank

digital currencies if you don’t have

bitcoin they give you this alternative

well you go for this alternative you

have no choice the reason they want to

ban bitcoin is because they know the

power that it has and they know that it

would take this power away from


as long as governments control the money

they can make decisions that citizens

don’t agree with or don’t realize will

have an impact on them whether direct or


as long as governments control the money

they can continue their monopoly on


bitcoin was created 12 years ago after

the global financial crisis as a

solution to the financial problems that

exist in our economy and to eliminate

entirely the abuse people can have on

our monetary system

seventeen amos says it

it’s important to understand that the

fiat system was not a carefully

consciously or deliberately designed

financial operating system like bitcoin

rather it evolved through a complex

process of compromise between political

constraints and expedience

bitcoin is a real asset and it is here

to stay

and its maximum cap of 21 million makes

it the scarcest asset on earth and

ultimately the most attractive asset

listen to all the money managers that

praise it

if we’re right

and uh


continue diverse to diversify their cash

into something like bitcoin

and uh institutions institutional

investors start allocating

five percent of their funds we believe

that the the price

will be tenfold

of where it is today so instead of 45

000 over 500 000.

the number one thing that i would

recommend to people is have some

defensive things in there i personally

think bitcoin is a long-term hedge i

have a

certain amount of money in bitcoin it’s

a small percentage of that which i have

in gold which is a relatively small

percentage of what i have in my other

asset classes and so on and i think that

that has the merit i i like bitcoin as a

portfolio diversifier everyone always

asks me what should i do with my

portfolio my employees say i say okay

listen the only thing that i know for


is i want to have five percent in gold

five percent in bitcoin

five percent in cash

five percent in commodities at this

point in time i don’t know

what i want to do

with the other 80

i do own some of it it’s gone up a lot

since i bought it obviously the tone of

this asset class is changing well i

think it’s worth considering all the uh

the alternatives to cash and all the

alternatives to some of the financial


uh and so

bitcoin has um has that is a possibility

is that america we had 26 more dollars

in circulation than over the past 244


if you put the whole stimulus in which

it will happen that’s another 16 more

dollar formation

so you’ve got a 40 percent increase in

dollar volume that’s going to show up in

asset prices




when facts change like change i mean you

know i’m an investor

the environment’s changing and what


turned me was moves made by regulators

in switzerland where i’m an investor

france germany england and then canada

opened up they now have seven different

financial instruments trading on their

exchanges that holds crypto as the

underlying which is a complete reversal

of what’s occurred if you really

understand bitcoin you’ll recognize why

places like morgan stanley are coming

into the space it’s a scarce asset and

as we were talking about last time i was

on the show that supply demand imbalance

plus the impregnability of the

blockchain is going to make that asset

very attractive in a world printing

money like this it’s it’s an it’s an

amazing accomplishment to have brought

it from where that programming occurred

to where it is and take the test of time

they’ve done this unbelievable marketing

job it’s been around 13 years


particularly younger millennials looking

at the way i’ve always looked at gold i

like bitcoin right


is math

and math has been around for thousands

of years and it two plus two is going to

equal four and it will for the next two

thousand years so i like the idea of

investing in something that’s reliable


honest and a hundred percent certain


so bitcoin has appealed to me

because it’s a way for me to invest

in certainty there’s a country that uses

bitcoin there’s

regions in switzerland where you can pay

for your taxes in bitcoin there’s a

there’s just this

all of this adoption and acceptance that

is happening around the world now even

by governments which just changes the

the rules and makes it more and more

robust the community

makes it alive regardless of

political geopolitical and so on


the fact that


are themselves allowing the use of this

in whatever form or way

confirms it

great ideas are beautiful and have great


but like most beautiful things they can

also be more fragile than we think

when i was a kid we thought about the

future and we were delighted by this

possibility we couldn’t wait for it to

happen and be part of its creation

but now ask almost anyone what they

think about the future and they will say

something along the lines of nuclear war

climate catastrophe hunger pestilence

the death of life

we didn’t took care of the beautiful

idea that we create our own future that

we as humanity can do almost anything

that we imagine

our ingenuity what separates us from

other species

in el salvador we are trying to rescue

this idea and start the design of a

country for the future

using the best ingredients that makes us

who we are while using sensibility to

find the best examples of ideas from

history and around the world

i believe bitcoin could be one of these

ideas that is why next week i will send

to congress a bill that will make

bitcoin a legal tender in el salvador in

the short term this will generate jobs

and help provide financial inclusion to

thousands outside the formal economy


lawmakers in el salvador broke into

applause after voting to approve bitcoin

as legal tender on wednesday making the

central american country the first in

the world to fully adopt the

cryptocurrency bitcoiners around the


the time has come


are ready

it is so important

this is an important step for our

country a step for technology a step

into the future to bring us financial

inclusion investment tourism innovation

and economic development to our country

bouquet has even more ambitious plans

for bitcoin saying later on wednesday

that he wanted to use renewable energy

from the country’s volcanoes to offer

bitcoin mining facilities which generate

new units of the cryptocurrency and

instructed state-owned geothermal energy

firm la heyo to come up with a plan to

make it happen the objective seems to be


using bitcoin as a actual medium of

payment medium of exchange much more

frictionless in the country eliminating

all capital gains taxes which is you

know of course a big impediment to

actually using this thing as a currency

uh you know potentially in service of

making uh you know bitcoin based

remittances uh cheaper and less

frictional for instance so that seems to

be sort of the main thrust of the law

what can we extrapolate then uh as far

as what the future holds beyond el

salvador here do you think we’ll see

other i guess legitimate countries like

el salvador embrace this in other larger


uh we know that bitcoin cryptocurrency

stable coins have very high penetration

in places like colombia and argentina uh

you know latin america is certainly no

stranger to sovereign defaults or you

know periods of high inflation or

monetary repression so we see high

penetration there there’s certainly a

class of policy makers that see an

opportunity to gain favor by signaling

their affinity

and you know we’ll see what happens but

this is the first el salvador is the

first non-pariah state to really

legitimize and legalize bitcoin usage uh

in in sort of its intended way

so you know it seems like a big sea

change frankly banks as opposed to

governments banks are businesses they

sure have their own personal interest at

hand but they will adapt to what their

customers need and they’re adapting now

actually they realize that they need to

be able to offer some new financial

services that will be around crypto

because they’re going to be left behind


because a guy like me a person like you

just won’t need their services anymore

because all of this already exists in a

completely decentralized and

uncontrolled way according to crypto

firm 90 hundreds of u.s banks are asking

for bitcoin planning to allow customers

to buy hold and sell the digital

currency through their existing accounts

as soon as this year for more details

let’s bring in banking reporter

hugh sun who what had to happen behind

the scenes in order for people to be

able to access bitcoin in their banks

hey hey kelly nice to be with you so

there’s a company called fis and so uh

fis is one of these uh you know back end

providers banks they actually have about

300 million in checking accounts through

their thousands of bank clients and so

they service their tech vendor that

serves a bunch of banks and then there’s

also a crypto a bitcoin custody company

called nydig and they’re one of the

companies like sort of a galaxy

so nydig has a deal with morgan stanley

for instance to offer institutional

funds to their wealthy clients so you

have some nascent uh players joining

some some established tech vendors you

know fis is a 95 billion company market

cap yeah and they basically said you

know we’re going to make it easy for

people to actually own bitcoin it is

after all a financial asset and they

want to they want they’ve done studies

that said basically if people have the

ability to own bitcoin through their

existing financial relationship through

the portal that they deal with their

other money you know their their their

uh fiat money if they’re able to do that

you’re gonna have greater adoption and

so basically what they’re gonna have is

they’re gonna as they turn this on

they’re to have access to clients the

customers of these community and

regional banks that sign on for this

they’re going to be able to go there the

bank app and actually look inside their

bank up and see

crypto all right next to their other

deposits and they’re they’re saving well

we want to be in the middle of any

movement of funds and we we don’t try to

decide what’s going to take off or not

take off and we don’t pick winners and

losers we just get ready to enable

whatever could possibly happen and i

think crypto is an exciting trend there

are there’s crypto currencies which are

kind of the digital gold we think of uh

bitcoin and there what we’re trying to

do is create utility uh which first of

all allowing making sure that our visa

cards are are used to be able to

purchase bitcoin and then when somebody

wants to convert their bitcoin to a fiat

currency uh used to use a visa

credential to you go shop at our 70

million merchants around the world so

we’re trying to create that utility so

we’re working with 35 of the big biggest

digital uh sorry the biggest crypto uh

wallets around the world making sure

that these uh various digital currencies

can be converted into a fiat currency

and that money can then be spent

from a visa card in a wallet again at

any one of our 70 million merchants

around around the world


we’re at a point where markets are at

all-time highs

any kind of ratio is screaming that

we’re at the top of our cycle

we have companies that are that are

failing even now starting in china and

what happens is that all of this money

will have to exit the

financial market where there’s huge

amounts of money now way more money

digitally in these assets than

exists in the pockets of every single

person in the world right

so this money what tends to happen when

there’s a

you know top in the market and the

market is going to drop of course

there’s lots of value so all of these

investors they need to get their money

out right they always do that because

they don’t want to lose money their job

um and their mandate towards their

clients is to bring profits right not

losses so they’re going to get their

money out of the of the financial

markets this of course will lead to an

even sharper job but this standard

happens at every cycle

now what tends to happen though is that

most investors

at that point will

uh get into bonds which are

government obligations

and these have interest rates

that are paid by the government but

these interest rates follow the interest

rates that are set by the central bank

right so nowadays a lot of these bonds


negative yielding which means that if me

as an investor i want to have a certain

return per year even call it one percent

today if i buy a bond a european bond i

will not have that because it’s at a

negative interest rate so in fact it

costs me to buy this bond which until

now was secure uh

position for my money but would at least

bring at least bring me some returns now

even this fact isn’t there right so in a

scenario where the money is pulled out

uh it cannot go to bonds because it is

not logical for it to be there because

there is just this trust that is gone

from uh this value that governments use

to be able to hold in the long term with

this being gone this money where is it

gonna go right it can go into gold but

gold um we’ve seen we’ve just seen can

be controlled by government has been

controlled by governments and in the

past ten years hasn’t increased in

prices that’s the same price as 10 years

ago right so it’s sure some money will

go into gold because it’s a it’s a

typical kind of protection asset and

money will will transfer into gold um


there is this uh this entire new

financial market that is being built at

the same time that is led by bitcoin but

all of these other cryptocurrencies as

well bitcoin is the first time ever in

history of finance that an asset reaches

this level of valuation so quickly

on on top of that it is the technology

that is the

most quickly adopted in the world so

before that it was the internet that was


just i mean we’ve never seen anything

adopted so fast in terms of adoption of

the technological progress right now the

world of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is

accelerating at a faster rate than the

internet which i think makes sense

because it speaks to so many people in


younger generations rather than the

people that are in power that are of

older generations and so this market of

bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and i want

to really emphasize bitcoin here because

bitcoin is the the safe one that has all

of these applications that are being

built by other cryptocurrencies uh now

also built on the bitcoin network

meaning that for all of these funds that

have serious money and long-term


buying bitcoin is one of the best trades

that they can have and given the

volatility that it has and the hedging

options that they can have represents

a lower risk for them than the

traditional assets that they’re used to

so this is why i think and i’m not the

only one in thinking so

bitcoin will be the black hole that will

swallow a big part of all of this money

that will be escaping the traditional

markets because there will just

be no more value there no other asset

like this one has ever existed before

that marries our technological progress

with our financial systems it is time

for people to have a currency that is as

open and anonymous as the internet

with bitcoin the control of money is

taken away from governments and given

back to the people

this removes huge power from governments

and their leaders that have had

countless issues with corruption abuse

of power or limiting our freedom we’ve

seen that our financial system needs a

reset and the only solution governments

have is to print trillions more

devaluating our currencies in the


along the way they will continue to make

people more dependent on government

because welfare spending has to increase

to cover their irresponsible money


this provides governments with a

snowball effect loop of inflation

leading to a poorer population leading

to more welfare spending

leading to increased government control

bitcoin is the way out of their

controlled system that favors only the

wealthy and the elite

it is also the first time due to

incentives these people have for bitcoin

to never succeed as a currency that

average people can front run them and

grow their personal wealth first before

these people that consider themselves

the elite have a chance to do so

bitcoin is slowly taking over the world

and will absorb a large amount of the

money currently stuck in our legacy

financial system

do you really want to be left behind

with them

